
Highway crime round-up

Crime at petrol stations is reportedly on the rise.

Shots fired during armed robbery:

A business premises situated in Mahogany Ridge was targeted last Sunday and shots were fired during the armed robbery.

A gang of three armed robbers held up a security guard at the business premises, robbed him of his cellphone and gate remotes for the property and fired several shots before fleeing the scene.

There were no injuries reported. Business owners have been encouraged to install electric fencing that can be linked to the business alarm and external beams for an early warning system.

Crime at petrol stations increases

A gang of armed robbers held up a bank customer in broad daylight at a petrol station in Pinetown last Saturday.

Blue Security operations manager, Brian Jackson, said, “A couple had arrived and parked at the petrol station before the husband went off to draw cash at a nearby bank.

“He returned to the car and left a large sum of cash with his wife and went somewhere else. A few minutes later, three armed men arrived in a gold Toyota Yaris and parked behind her car.

“They pulled out guns and held her up, demanding that she hand over the cash. The men also grabbed her car keys before fleeing the scene with the cash in a brown envelope.”

Meanwhile, a petrol attendant at another Pinetown petrol station was lucky to escape injury last Sunday when a motorist attacked him.

The driver of a maroon Corsa tried to pay for fuel using a fraudulent credit card, and when the petrol attended questioned him about the card he became aggressive and tried to stab him with a knife before fleeing the scene. There were no injuries reported. Pinetown SAPS attended the scene of the crime.

Jackson advised bank customers to be vigilant when drawing cash and if possible to avoid carrying large sums of cash by banking electronically.

“Always make sure there is no-one following you to and from the bank, and if you do need to draw a large sum of cash take someone with you and make sure that you drive directly to your destination from the bank,” he said.

“If you suspect that you are being followed, drive to your nearest police station and contact your security company for assistance.”

Alleged lawnmower thief arrested

An alleged thief was arrested by a vigilant armed response officer who also recovered a lawnmower in Hillcrest last Sunday morning.

A resident in Emoyeni Drive informed the armed response officer that he had spotted two suspicious individuals hiding in the bush near his property.

The officer patrolled the area and found two men in the bush, carrying a brush cutter and a lawn mower. One of the men fled when he saw the officer approaching them.

The second man, who was in possession of a lawnmower which he claimed he had found in a sugar cane plantation, was arrested by the officer. Metro Police arrived at the scene and took the man into custody before handing him over to the Hillcrest SAPS.

The above crime reports were supplied by Blue Security.

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