Residents want answers to Cliffdale road problems

Residents want answers as to when the road will be tarred.

Residents who live along the D535 road in Cliffdale, Shongweni are getting increasingly frustrated with the state of the road.

The road that runs from Shongweni and alongside the M13 freeway along Key Ridge consists mainly of a dirt road with a section of tarred road. The dirt road is very uneven and ridged with several dongas where the road has washed away. The tarred section that runs past The African Congregational Church is full of potholes.

A resident who wished to remain anonymous said that they had spent the last 15 years trying to get answers as to why the road could not be tarred or at least maintained.

“We have contacted various government officials but we keep being told that there is no budget but we have been told this for the last 15 years. The residents are paying high rates for the area but are not getting much service.”

“Something needs to be done as the road is not safe and the dust gets into the houses and causes a health hazard to the residents. When it rains the road becomes muddy and slippery”

He said the road was used by residents, farm labourers, cyclists, bikers, school children, visitors to Groovy Balls and as an alternate route when an accident occurs on the highway to Key Ridge/Hammarsdale.

“The least they could do is to organise the road to be graded and watered at least once a week.”

Ward 103 Councillor Richard Phewa said that he was aware of the problems faced by the residents and was doing his best to help them with a solution but that the road fell under the Department of Transport and not the Muncipality.

“To be a Councillor is a hard job. I am a Councillor of the eThekwini Muncipality so I deal with their roads which this road does not fall under. Luckily I am an active member and I am doing my best to get hold of D.O.T to sort out the problem.”

He said that he and a committee of residents from the area had met with Logie Naidoo and that Councillors had also met with the City Manager last week to address this issue of D.O.T roads.

“Lots of Councillors are having problems with D.O.T roads not being looked after properly and the D.O.T keeps letting us down and are causing us lots of problems as people point fingers at us and accuse us of not helping them.”

He said he was hoping to be able to meet with the resident’s committee in June where he hoped he would have feedback from the City Manager.

“At the moment I can’t say we are failing. We have made progress and people must understand that as a Councillor we can forward complaints to the relevant officials but we don’t have a budget and can’t make a final decision on anything. The residents must be patient.”

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