Tips to safeguard your house

Follow these simple tips and avoid being robbed or attacked in your home.

REPORTS have revealed an increase in home invasions and therefore residents are urged to ensure they safeguard their homes and prevent these incidents, by following these simple tips:

-Trim the shrubs and tress in your yard to prevent criminals from using your premises as a hiding place. Ensure your yard and pathways are well lit. Rust and weak spots contributes to burglar bars and gates being broken easily. Conduct regular checks to assess the condition of your security measures.

– Ensure the pedestrian and driveway gates are always locked. If visitors can walk to your door, consider having a peephole so you will be able to see who is at the door before allowing them in.

-It is vital for everyone in your household to know how to use the alarm system and panic buttons in the case of an emergency. Create a list of contact numbers and keep it next to the telephone, so it will be easy to call for help.

– The alarm system should be armed every night.

-If criminals do enter your home, try to remain calm, co-operate and handover your possessions, especially if there is no way to escape or activate the alarm.

-It is important to observe the criminals and try and remember their facial features, the types of clothes and the way they speak and behave. Once they leave your property, notice your local police.

-Join a neighbourhood watch as this contributes to another form of security, which helps in the eradication of crime.

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