Crime fighting tips from the Pavilion

Criminals prey on the vulnerable, so stay alert.

Pavilion centre management has shared these crime safety tips following an armed robbery at the mall recently:

Criminals prey on the vulnerable, so stay alert. Be on the lookout for strange cars or people. When you walk towards your car, look around you and check if you are being followed (especially if you have just come from a bank) or if there is someone loitering in the parking lot watching you.

Do not be distracted in parking areas. Keep your keys ready in your hand when you do approach your car, so you don’t waste time looking for them. Be aware of any suspicious people when loading shopping into the boot of your car or securing small children in vehicles.

If you are visiting a mall during a quiet period or at night, try to park as close as possible to entrances where security guards are likely to be stationed. If you have arrived during a busy time and had to park some distance away and intend staying later, rather move your vehicle closer to the entrance.

Try not to walk to your vehicle alone late at night. Either ask someone to accompany you or ask a security guard to assist you. If you are unable to do this, time your exit at the same time as other shoppers so that you are not alone when you go to your car.

Do not stand next to your car or remain in your car for long periods waiting for others. This makes you a target for criminals. Either go for a cup of coffee or arrange to meet passengers inside the mall. If you are surrounded by vehicles (as in the video concerned) it is very difficult to either spot or escape from an attacker.

Make sure that your handbag or briefcase is as secure as possible and closed. Keep cellular telephones and tablets out of sight.

To prevent remote jamming, check that your car is locked before you walk away.

Once inside your car, lock the doors immediately and start the car. Do not open windows wide enough to allow a hand to fit through.

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