Weekly crime analysis released

SA Can has released its weekly crime statistics.

PINETOWN SA Can released its weekly crime trend analysis on its Facebook page for the upper Highway area.

Residential robbery:

• Patna Road, Botha’s Hill: Resident attacked by two men armed with knives, stole laptop, cellphones and musical amplifier.
• Kloofview Road, Forest Hills: Two men broke in through a window while residents were asleep, demanded money and guns, stole jewellery and cash.
• Kloofview Road, Forest Hills: Four men armed with one firearm attacked residents in their lounge, stole electronic appliances and a car.

Armed robbery:

• Shopping centre, Old Main Road, Hillcrest: Shoppers robbed inside lift by two men armed with one firearm.

Residential burglary:

• Alverstone Road, Alverstone: Residents woke to find two laptops, cellphones and charger and office keys stolen.
• Crestholme Drive, Crestholme: Residents woke to find tools stolen.
• Hoyer Road, Crestholme: Residents woke to find office equipment and cash stolen through home-office window.
• Minerva Drive, Everton: Mountain bike stolen from unlocked garage.
• Neville Road, Everton: Garage door forced, drill stolen.
• Residential complex, Camp Road, Gillitts: Security gate and door forced open, TV stolen.
• Oakland Avenue, Hillcrest: TV stolen through window of domestic worker’s room.
• Rapson Road, Hillcrest: Tools and clothing stolen from open garage, gate and burglar guards also forced.
• Farm, Summerveld: Tools and cable stolen from outbuilding.
• Reservoir Road, Winston Park: Electronics stolen through granny flat window.

Business burglary:

• School, Alverstone: Clothing and nappies stolen.
• Shopping centre, Inanda Road, Waterfall: Tools stolen.
• Old Main Road, Botha’s Hill: Cash and liquor stolen through window.


• Westriding Road, Westriding: Three victims followed from bank and parked in by two men in a Toyota Corolla, victims’ car (silver Mazda), cash and cellphones stolen. Corolla later found and stopped by police.

Theft out of motor vehicle:

• Alfred Downing Road, Waterfall: Mazda 323 engine stolen.
• Montgomery Drive, Winston Park: Camera, printer and radio stolen from vehicle parked inside residential property.

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