Pick out your perfect read at book sale

Don't miss Kloof Library's popular book sale on Friday, 27 and Saturday, 28 March.

KLOOF Library will hold another book sale on Friday, 27 March from 8.30am to 4.30pm, and again on Saturday, 28 March from 8.30am to noon.

Books, CDs and DVDs will be on sale. The books range from junior fiction and non-fiction to adult fiction and non-fiction. Every topic imaginable is represented, from thrillers through to cookery books and more. There are bargains galore as the books are inexpensively priced from R5, R10 and R15.

Sylvia Flint, a committee member of the Friends of Kloof Library, will co-ordinate the sale under the guidance of the Kloof librarian, Rhona Watson.

All money raised will be used to buy more books for the ongoing enjoyment of the Kloof community. Contact the library on 031 764 7543.

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