Two nabbed with stolen goods

Two men were arrested by a security officer on Friday afternoon in Westville.

TWO men were arrested by a security officer on Friday afternoon after a security company received an alarm signal in Methven Road, Westville. 

According to a post on the C3 Community Crime Cooperative Facebook page, security officer Sifiso Shezi responded to the signal and spotted two men attempting to flee the scene.

Shezi chased both men on foot and apprehended them. The Westville Sector Policing were also alerted and arrived at the scene seconds after the arrest.

Both men were arrested and taken to the Westville SAPS. The stolen property that was found in their possession has been entered as exhibits.

The next stage of the investigation will involve obtaining the fingerprints of both men to examine and compare it to current cases.

The post further stated, a sub sector of Westville North has been experiencing a small spike in reported crime and residents reported several incidents in the same local geographic area. 

The SAPS applauds the fast reaction and dedication of  Shezi and the quick response by the SAPS.

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