Elderly couple targeted in energy saving scam

Residents are urged to be aware of an energy saving scam that almost cost a Cowies Hill couple R16 000.

AN elderly Cowies Hill couple were the latest victims of an energy saving scam that has been reported in the Highway area.

The husband and wife, who wished to remain anonymous, would like to use their experience to warn other residents about the scam that almost cost them R16 000. The incident unfolded last Monday when the couple were approached by a well-spoken man who claimed to be from a company called, ‘Global Energy.’

“We just got home and we noticed the man standing at our front gate. He was dressed in formal clothing and had a briefcase and paperwork. He carried himself like a professional businessman. He asked us why we didn’t apply for a rebate. Our response was that we did apply and received our rebate. He then asked to come onto our property to see our water meter. After looking at it he told us that the meter had to be changed, and that’s when he started branding his product,” said the couple.

“He started speaking about a heater which he claimed would save us a lot of money. He then referred to his paperwork and started doing his calculations, prior to telling us how much the heater would cost. He continuously mentioned how he enjoys working with elderly people, and we trusted him. We were then asked to make the payment. He brought out his card swiping machine and swiped our card for R14 000 and then R2 000.

“He thereafter requested to take a picture of my husband with the box. The man gave us a receipt with a professional letterhead on the document, jumped into a car that was waiting for him on the roadside and he left. He didn’t give us any instructions on how to install the product,” said the woman.

The man’s hastiness as he left the couple’s home caused them to become suspicious.

“We went to the bank to put a stop on the transactions. Fortunately no funds had been debited. We visited the eThekwini Municipality’s water department and they knew nothing about this product.” The couple believes the heaters which the man is trying to sell to his victims are probably rejects. Numerous attempts to contact the number on the document they received proved unsuccessful.

eThekwini’s head of communications, Tozi Mthethwa, said, “The municipality confirms that while it supports all energy efficiency efforts by businesses and residences, it does not endorse any particular product or service unless it falls within an initiative undertaken by the city. If residents are suspicious of anything they can call to confirm with the municipality’s 24-hour call centre on the number 080 131 3111.”

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