Oldest competitor bids fond farewell to Midmar Mile

Midmar's oldest competitor crossed the finish line for the last time.

Saturday’s aQuellé Midmar Mile was a historic and bittersweet one for 91-year-old Lorna Cochran: she successfully extended her remarkable record as the event’s oldest finisher once again, but also confirmed that she will now bring down the curtain on her seventeen-year affiliation with the event.

Surrounded by eleven members of the Cochran clan, fondly known as ‘Lorna’s gang’, Cochran made her way across Midmar Dam for what was her last time, and emerged from the water to rapturous applause from the large crowd that had gathered to welcome home one of the event’s icons.

“I wasn’t sure if I was going to make it this year; I’m very tired and very cold but I’m thrilled to have done it,” said Cochran. “It was so special to have my family with me every step of the way, especially my great granddaughter.”

Five of Cochran’s seven children, many of her twenty-five grandchildren (including 8-year-old Jessie-Clare Goodhall – one of twenty-eight great-grandchildren) were in attendance and proudly sporting their ‘Team Gran’ gear, appropriately displaying the message of ‘The water doesn’t know how old’.

“This all started off as a bit of a joke really, and it’s just grown over time,” said Cochran’s son, Neil. “To have four generations competing together in the same swim here today really was special. Family togetherness is so important, and I’m just grateful that our family is close enough to be able to do these sorts of things together.”

Despite the joy of her impressive feat, Cochran went on to confirm that her 2015 finish will mark the end of an era for both her and the event.

“I think that’s enough now, it’s time to say goodbye to the Midmar Mile. I would really like to thank everybody. I have received so much support from everyone, which has really meant a lot to me.”

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