Couple pen book on the soul, health and happiness

The book is retailing at a special launch price of R150 at selected stores.

WESTVILLE couple, Professor Breminand Maharaj and Dr Nervashnee Maharaj have published a book titled, The Soul, Health and Happiness: A Simple Guide, as an offering to humankind, especially the young people of the world, to assist everyone create good health and happiness.

Breminand is a special physician and Emeritus professor at Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine at UKZN. His wife, Nervashnee, is a homeopathic physician, who also works as a medical facilitator to medical students at the same university.

According to Breminand, the book discusses the relationship between the soul, health and happiness and offers practical guidance on how health and happiness can be achieved.

“Many people viewed matters of the soul from a distance or with fear because it can be considered as a subject that is only studied and understood by enlightened beings or spiritual seekers and therefore, out of their reach. Other people have difficulty in gaining easy access to knowledge about the soul. As a result, many people do not understand the relation of the soul to their daily lives,” said Breminand.

The authors discuss the soul and its relevance to our daily lives in a manner that allows all people of the world, irrespective of their background, to connect with this essential knowledge. They have used their experience as doctors, educators, parents and members of society to simplify this complex subject.

Nervashnee said the book is dedicated to all humankind, especially the youth of the world. However, they have also dedicated the book to two people who gave up their happiness so the world would be happy – Nelson Mandela (former president of South Africa) and Miss Keishu Okada (second spiritual leader of Sukyo Mahikari) – an international organisation promoting peace and cooperation.

Both the authors practice the art of True Light and the principles of the universe (Sukyo Mahikari) as a means of improving the quality of life and well-being of people.

They have a daughter, Suparna, (aged nine) and a son, Sahasrad Suhari, (aged seven).

The book is a self-funded project using independent publishers, and is available at Adams Books, Manilall Ratanjee (Chatsworth and Springfield)and Maharaj’s Prayer Goods (Gem City, Phoenix) at a special launch price of R150. Thereafter the book will cost R220 each.

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