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Load-shedding risk low says Eskom

Eskom says the risk of load-shedding today and tomorrow remains low, although it remains constrained.

THE risk of load-shedding is low today (Wednesday, 5 November) due to the increased generating capacity at the Majuba Power Station which is now at 1 400MW.

More units from Majuba are due to be synchronised to the grid later today with the potential of increasing generating capacity to 3 200MW.

The recovery programme at the Majuba Power Station is proceeding well and has far exceeded their expectations. Teams are working 24/7 moving coal from stock piles to the conveyor belts which are the link to the generating units.

“The wet weather does pose a challenge, especially at Majuba, given that some of the coal handling is taking place out in the open. We have implemented a wet coal management strategy to ensure that the wet coal risk is reduced in our other power stations. It is however not possible to neutralise this risk completely, especially over periods of prolonged, high rainfall,” Joyce Zingoni, communications and stakeholder relations manager.

Zingoni said in spite of this, the system will remain constrained today and tomorrow.

“Our projections indicate similar constraints next week. As such, Eskom appeals to consumers to reduce their electricity usage throughout the day, but especially from 6pm to 10pm. Please switch off geysers, air conditioners, pool pumps and all non-essential appliances to prevent the need for rotational load shedding.

“The dam levels at our peaking power stations which use water to generate electricity are depleting, but projections are that if things stay as they are, the probability of load-shedding during the rest of this week is low. The weekend will be used to restore operating reserves and dam levels at our pumped storage stations which will prepare us for next week. We anticipate being able to do this without needing any load-shedding.

“Should we need to go into load-shedding, customers will be alerted as early as possible.

“While we will make every effort to avoid load-shedding, we are hopeful that by applying these measures, coupled with support from all electricity consumers, we will achieve the required load reduction necessary to protect the national grid,” Zingoni added.

For tips on how to trim 10 per cent off your consumption, visit www.eskom.co.za/idm

For the eThekwini Municipality stand-by load-shedding schedule, click here.

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