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Naked man ploughs through workshop

A 26-year-old man caused about R300 000 worth of damage to a New Germany workshop when he drove a white Mercedes through its workshop on Monday.

IN a bizarre accident, a naked man ploughed through a New Germany workshop at 11am on Monday morning, nearly killing a man and causing damage worth thousands of rands.

Kaashif Mallick, from Transaxle Gearbox and Diff Specialists in Otto Volek Road, said the 26-year-old man, driving a Mercedes C-Class, drove up the company’s driveway, drove through the garage and slammed into a customer’s car.

Mallick said a bakkie that was suspended on a high lift jack fell on the bonnet of the Mercedes, stopping it in its tracks. He estimated that between R250 000 and R300 000 worth of damage was caused by the crash.

According to Mallick, the man jumped out the car, shouted at them and ran down the driveway. When police arrived they arrested him and put him in the back of the police car, where he fell asleep.

Netcare 911’s Chris Botha confirmed the incident: “Paramedics and their rescue unit arrived at the scene and were surprised to find that nobody had sustained any injuries. The police attending the accident removed the naked driver from the scene.”

Mallick said they will be meeting with the young man’s parents later today (Tuesday, 4 November) to discuss insurance issues.

He also said it is unclear whether the young man was charged as yet.

  • More updates to follow.

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