
Another arrest for Oxford robbery

Suspected robber arrested in connection with the Oxford robbery in September.

THE sixth suspect in the Oxford Supermarket in Hillcrest robbery was arrested by the Shongweni K9 unit and private investigator, Heinrich Schwarz last night.

Steven King, from Secure Link and the South African Community Crime Watch, said the man was arrested after police followed up on a lead that he lived in Verulam.

The man was arrested on Monday, 29 September in Embo. Four other men handed themselves over to police shortly after the first arrest.

Two armed men fled with R26 000 after a robbery at Oxford Freshmarket on Saturday, 27 September.

Owner of the store, Brett Latimer, said two men entered the supermarket and went to the cigarette counter, held the cashier up at gunpoint and demanded money from the till. They then fled on foot and jumped into a taxi.

“We commend the K9 unit and Heinrich Schwarz for not giving up and bringing the perpetrators to book,” King said.

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