Police issue Pinetown robbery warning

Pinetown SAPS has released a crime alert following a spate of robberies at local intersections.

THE local police force has warned motorists driving through Pinetown’s central business district (CBD) of increased robberies at intersections in the CBD.

The provincial SAPS office’s Capt Thulani Zwane released a statement saying: “Pinetown police would like to warn all motorists who drive in the Pinetown CBD to be vigilant especially at the intersections.”

Capt Zwane said in recent months a spate of robbery cases have been reported to the police where motorists were robbed of their belongings at intersections.

The robberies have also increase due to the road construction in the CBD.

The problematic streets included Josiah Gumede (Old Main) Road from Anderson Street up to Crompton Street, Chancery Lane and also Kings Road.

“Motorists are urged to close their windows when approaching intersections and they should not entertain those people who point at the vehicle tyre to indicate that it is flat.

“Many motorists have been robbed by robbers who point at the tyre of a car and when the motorist opens the window to check the tyre, he or she gets robbed by the same people,” Capt Zwane said. 

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