Headway Natal benefits from Happy Days fashion show

Happy Days' fashion show raised money for Headways Natal.

Headway Natal was this year’s chosen charity for Happy Days Pre-Primary School’s annual charity fashion show.

The show is performed for the parents, grandparents and Grade R learners from St Mary’s and Thomas More, many of whom are past pupils of the Kloof-based school. This was followed by tea and snacks.

It is a fun, happy event and the children are made aware that they are raising money for those less fortunate than themselves.

Principal of the school, Moira Ford, said, “The fashion show has two purposes – one to raise money for a very worthy cause and two to give the children the opportunity to work together in the build-up to the event and then to appear on stage.”

She added, “The school would like to thank clothing ranges ‘Kalahari Kids’ and ‘Mia and Leah’ for providing the gorgeous clothes for the little models to wear.”

Headway-Natal is a non-profit organisation assisting survivors of acquired brain injury and their families and carers. They can be contacted on 031 266 2709 or 031 266 2713 or email headway@dbn.stormnet.co.za.

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