Authorities claim crime drop in Pinetown

Pinetown SAPS said crime has reached an all time low in the area.

OFFICIALS have reported that the crime has drastically decreased in Pinetown in recent months.

Lt Col Leon Matthysen, the acting station commander for the Pinetown SAPS, said that crime statistics are the lowest they have been in several years.

“The crime stats have never been this low. We believe that the results have been achieved through a good partnership between police, neighbourhood watches and security companies.

“Invisible policing and excellent detective work have also helped us secure the success. We have made more than 70 arrests of serious offenders,” he said.

Matthysen warned that while residential house robberies have especially decreased, the crime has moved to business areas.

“Hijackings have also decreased, although we responded to the recent fatal incident reported on Victory Drive. Assault cases, however, have raised concern. We have noticed a significant increase in both domestic and general assault incidents,” he said.

Residents are also warned to avoid parking on Kings Road, Chancery Lane or at the Pinecrest Shopping Centre, as these are hot spots for vehicle thefts.

“We also urge residents not to leave their valuables (such as laptops, jewellery or iPads) in plain sight in their vehicles, as it attracts attention and increases the chance of a break-in.

“Also, do not put your valuables in your boot before leaving your vehicle, as criminals watch motorists. Rather put your valuables away before you reach your destination.

“Motorists are also urged to physically ensure that their vehicles are locked to prevent remote jamming,” said Matthysen.

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