Taxi owners slam BRT project

Taxi owners want an explanation about the BRT system.

POLICE controlled the situation in the Pinetown CBD today as taxi owners went on a go slow against the city’s Bus Rapid Transit System (BRT), which is part of the Go! Durban project.

Taxi owners from various taxi associations in the Highway area and also few from Pietermaritzburg said they want an explanation regarding the BRT system as they claim they were not informed about the projects.

Clermont taxi owner, Charles Khuzwayo and member of the Pinetown Taxi Association said the road works are delaying passengers who are travelling to work.

“First of all, we were not informed about the project, they are implementing things without our knowledge and concerns.

“The taxis were built in such a way that they all have doors on their left sides and the BRT have blocked the taxi stops and made new ones on the right hand side.

“This is a challenge for us and the passengers, especially the old people and school children which leaves them at risk of being hit by the oncoming traffic,” said Khuzwayo.

Taxi owners feel that the BRT system is going to take their jobs and income as they have been forced to be part of this project or they should resign after seven years.

“How are we going to feed our families, we are also humans, we have children who we are supporting, how are we going to live?

“This project will not benefit us, we need to be involved in this project and be informed about the changes.

Khuzwayo added that they are not fighting with anyone but they need the government to do what is right for everyone at stake.

“The taxis are operating as normal, it’s just the owners who have embarked on this campaign.

He also said ever since these roadworks started, there has been many accidents.

The members said they will march to Durban if they are not met halfway.

The traffic was severely affected in the CBD as the taxi owners started their go slow at 6am.

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