
Robbers target man at garage

The ATM user was accosted at a nearby garage after he had withdrawn a large sum of cash.

THREE armed men held up a motorist at a local garage minutes after he had withdrawn a large sum of money from a bank this morning.

According to Sid Rosseau, the owner of Caversham Motors, where the incident took place, the man is a regular customer at the garage and the robbery took place at about 10.30am.

“He came into the garage to put petrol into his car. He is a regular here and he was chatting to the attendants as he was being served,” said Rosseau.

A car is said to have pulled up right behind the parked car and three armed men climbed out of the vehicle.

According to the Ashley Residents Neighbourhood Watch’s Facebook page, the group of men arrived in a Toyota Yaris.

“They knew exactly where the money was, in his cubbyhole. I have no idea how much money it was, but he said he was going to purchase a car with it, so it must have been a fairly substantial amount,” said Rosseau.

The three men then fled in the direction of a shopping centre along Mariannridge Drive. “Thankfully nobody was injured in the incident and am pleased that our customer wasn’t hurt,” said Rosseau.

The man’s cellphone was also stolen.

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