Hillcrest Primary pupils leap to serve 1000 Hills community

The Grade 5 learners have continued with their winter warmth campaign.

Hillcrest Primary School continued its winter warmth collection drive this year with the collection of two bakkie loads of winter goodies.

The idea was initiated last year by Ethan Cooke, a current Grade 6 LEAP (Learner Extension and Acceleration Programme) pupil at Hillcrest Primary School who realised that the winter months meant that many underprivileged and impoverished people in the nearby community of the Valley of a 1000 Hills would be facing the cold without warm clothes and blankets.

The 2014 Grade 5 LEAP pupils decided to continue with this good work and initiated a blanket and winter woolies drive at the school.

The donations were delivered to the Valley of a 1000 Hills Community Helpers Centre and the Lily of the Valley Trust, by the Grade 5 LEAP pupils.

“There was an immense sense of sharing and love felt by all on the day, as we were warmly welcomed by Dawn Leppan, the community members and the happy children who attend the school and crèche on the property,” said Tammy Tanner, multi-media administrator at Hillcrest Primary School.


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