Local NPO raises hope in Inchanga

A generous donation helps fund a sustainable community project in Inchanga.

RESIDENTS of Inchanga have been uplifted with renewed hope after a generous donation has brought the Grapevine Foundation (GVF) a step closer to building an orphanage, community centre and technical high school in the Esikhelekehleni Valley.

The Kloof based non profit organisation (NPO) recently managed to collect the R40 000 that they needed to buy a piece of property near the Nchanga Primary School, where they plan to start the construction of these sustainable community projects.

According to André du Toit, a director of GVP, the unemployment rate is extremely high in the area, and there is very little opportunity for the youth. “The orphanage will provide a safe haven for the children who have lost their parents, and will also provide some assistance to the gogos who struggle to care for their grandchildren. Once the construction of the orphanage has been completed we hope that we will be able to begin building the technical high school. This will provide children in the community with skills for employment,” he said.

The vision of the local NPO also involves a crèche, a tuck shop or restaurant, a vegetable garden, a church and training centre as well as an HIV, rape and trauma centre. “The community centre will not only provide the community with health support, but will also provide them with skills development and practical experience and employment,” said du Toit.

The Grapevine Foundation’s members now face the challenge of collecting the cash needed to fund the construction.

Contact André du Toit on 082 450 6164.

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