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Woman (55) fights off hijacker

A resident recounts the botched hijacking that befell her on Tuesday morning.

A 55-YEAR-OLD woman says she was held up by three men in her driveway in Caversham Glen this morning.

“I reversed out of my driveway, parked my car to close the gate and saw three men walking down the road.

“One of them started running but I thought he was rushing back up the road to fetch something from his home,” said Mercia Brewis.

“The one man changed direction and ran up into her driveway and grabbed hold of Brewis. Even though she thought the man was armed she fought back.

“One of the men had climbed into my vehicle, which is not insured, and I could not let them take my car,” said Brewis.

She kicked the man off of her and ran towards her vehicle, pulled the keys from the ignition and threw them over the fence. The men are said to have fled the scene once the keys were out of reach.

“I don’t know where I got the strength from to fight off the man, but I am covered in bruises from the ordeal,” said Brewis.

“I have been a resident in the area for 31 years and nothing like this had ever happened to me before. The men were between 18 and 22 years old and were well dressed.”

She contacted the police and when they arrived, Brewis claimed they refused to open a case as nothing had been stolen.

“I was completely shocked. The men had tried to rob me and the police said they could do nothing to help me. The man who had grabbed me even left behind his backpack, which the police left behind as well,” she said.

Updates to follow.

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  1. Very brave but at the same time, she really took a chance….she could have been much worse off! Like the happy ending though.

  2. lady you have guts ,I wish we all want to act that way ,be more aware and never trust the police ,these days most off them are involved.

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