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Crime spikes in Ashley

An armed robbery and hijacking were reported in Ashley, Pinetown.

THE Ashley Residents Neighbourhood watch reported that an armed robbery and a hijacking occurred in Ashley, Pinetown on Wednesday 30 April.

The robbery reportedly occurred on Fourth Street at approximately 10.30am. Four armed men allegedly robbed a resident of his wallet and car keys, before fleeing the scene in a blue Toyota Corolla.

An hour later, at approximately 11.45am, a man in a white Mercedes was hijacked while he was parked on the verge on Howard Road. He was approached by an unknown number of assailants, and subsequently forced out of the vehicle.

Reports indicated that no one was injured during the incidents. ER24 and Pinetown SAPS were reportedly on scene. Updates to follow.

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One Comment

  1. Re. Hijackings in Ashley. I live in fourth avenue last year my sons girlfriend and her gran were hijacked outside our house two weeks ago my mother inlaw and cousin were hijacked out side our house. The armed robbery on the wednesday was across the road from us the hijacking the same day was four houses down from us. What is going to be done about this. Its now getting out of control. How can we be told the crime in pinetown is going down. This is totaly untrue. Also to day there was the shoot out in westmead and also in voortreker str in ashley this morning. The crime is definitley increasing in Ashley and we don’t feel safe anymore.

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