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Tips for a safer Easter trip

Take note of the top 10 safety tips to help ensure a pleasant Easter weekend.

SOUTH Africa’s statistics for road deaths are the continent’s second worst after Nigeria. The World Health Organisation (WHO) regards South Africa as one of the world’s worst countries for road safety, with roughly 1 280 fatalities occurring between December 2012 and January of this year.

Forty percent of those deaths are as a consequence of drunken pedestrians walking on roads, with other catalysts being excessive road speeding, dangerous overtaking, and wearing no seatbelt or as a result of vehicles that are not roadworthy.

One of the leading automotive parts and travel accessories companies, Midas, has put together a few tips to assist you as you prepare to go away with your family this Easter weekend.

Plan ahead

Plan your holiday route before you leave your home. Give yourself enough time on the road to reach your destination without speeding. Use a GPS tool to guide you as it will make your trip stress-free as you will be able to plan where to refuel to the nearest rest stops. Also, try to avoid driving after dark.

Have your vehicle serviced

To avoid the inconvenience and expense of a mechanical breakdown, especially on a long trip, have your vehicle checked and serviced by a reputable motor mechanic or car dealership.

Install child safety seats

Research has shown that the hospitalisation time for children from birth to four years old, who are involved in road accidents, is reduced by up to 70 per cent if they are seated in a booster child safety seat. The seats are specifically designed to hold a child securely in place, which will prevent them from being thrown into the dashboard, windscreen or other parts of the vehicle in the event of a motor vehicle accident.


Safety belts are 99 per cent effective in preventing occupants from being ejected from the vehicle in a crash. Always wear a seatbelt to prevent being thrown through the windscreen or being smashed into the dashboard.

Don’t talk on your cellphone while driving

Even though you may be using a hands-free device, try to avoid taking or making calls while driving. Being distracted from the road can prevent you from making quick, life-saving choices to avoid a hazard or potential accident.

Keep your distance

Give yourself room to react to an obstruction in the road by following the two-second rule. You will need that distance to avoid hazards on the road.

Always signal

Always demonstrate your intentions by signaling as this will give other road users an advanced warning on your intent on changing direction. Turn on your indicator at least five to eight seconds before your turn, giving other motorists, pedestrians and cyclists adequate time to respond.

Scan your environment

Continually be aware of upcoming intersections or decision points. Being able to spot a traffic sign early allows one to make the appropriate choices to prevent disasters.

Watch out for fatigue on a long trip

Turning up the radio, rolling down the car window, or having trouble keeping your eyes open and focused on the road are a few of the signs of fatigue while driving. Pull over and take a 15 to 20 minute nap. On a long trip, stop every two hours for a break. Ensure that you have at least eight hours sleep the night before undertaking a long trip, to feel energised and alert when driving.

Don’t use cruise control when the roads are wet

Wet roads become more dangerous and challenging to navigate so the last thing a motorist needs is constant power when trying to navigate a slightly more challenging road.

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