Budget hearing venue sparks outrage

Ratepayers and residents say they work during the week and would have to take leave to attend the public hearing.

THE date and venue scheduled for eThekwini’s budget public hearing for West Durban has sparked outrage among local councillors.

The public hearing has been scheduled for Tuesday 22 April at the Mpumalanga Stadium in Hammarsdale at 10am.

According to Ward 18 councillor Tim Brauteseth, Durban West councillors were informed of these arrangements by SMS on Monday 14 April. Speaking on behalf of other local councillors, he said this clearly indicates the “tick box” approach that the municipality is taking to public input to the budget.

“There is no doubt the municipality does not really want public input. They have arranged a venue on the far outer western limits of the municipality and have scheduled the event on a working day. Past hearings were held locally in Clermont, Westville or Pinetown and they were scheduled for the weekends,” said Brauteseth.

He added that although the Speaker, Cllr Logie Naidoo has undertaken to lay on transport, it escapes him that most ratepayers and residents work during the week and would have to take leave to attend.

“This is absolutely ridiculous,” he said.

“There are major problems with this budget which includes, among many others, a major hike in electricity and water, a massive VIP protection expenditure and bonuses for deputy city managers not doing their jobs. Perhaps this is why the officials want to get as far away as possible from the ratepayers and residents who foot the bill for the city’s expenses,” said Brauteseth.

To add insult to injury, the councillors were notified by means of an SMS. “Is this the way to advertise consultation on a R35 billion budget? This approach by the eThekwini officials and their political masters is frankly insulting in the extreme. There is no intention to consult meaningfully or to actually implement suggestions from the public,” added Brauteseth.

eThekwini Municipality’s communications officer, Thabo Mofokeng, was not available for comment at the time of going to press.

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