0% Corruption, 100% Development?

City of Durban vows to root out corruption amid media reports of La Lucia Ridge company receiving a half a million rand tender to do minimal social media work.

HOT on the heels of media reports that the city had spent half a million rand on a social media campaign that some have been labeled “fake” the eThekwini Municipality launched a fight against corruption in KwaMashu, north of the city this morning. In a statement sent out today they said: “The fight against corruption in government is being tackled with renewed vigour and fraudsters had better beware.”

To province’s top brass spoke at the launch of the ‘I do right’ campaign. They said they had committed themselves to stamping out the scourge of corruption. The move comes as news of the awarding of a R500 000 contract to a La Lucia Ridge company shocked Durbanites, some of whom took to Twitter to voice their dissatisfaction.

According to the reports the company was required to do minimal social media activities as part of a campaign for the 2014 World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Earth Hour City Challenge. In January it was announced that Durban had been selected as a finalist in the challenge in recognition of the City’s efforts to transition toward a sustainable future, particularly those that increase the use of renewable energy.

What’s more this morning it was revealed that the company they had created multiple fake twitter accounts to tweet out the #welovedurban hashtag with sayings about the city. According to the statement the purpose of the ‘I do right’ campaign is to raise awareness of corruption. The theme of the campaign is “I do right!” 0% Corruption, 100% Development!
It was revealed today that in the Provincial Health Department alone, in the last five years, 98 officials were dismissed for corrupt activities.

If you know of any frauduluent activities taking place report it to: City Integrity and Investigations Unit on 0800 202020 (tollfree) or email ombuds@durban.gov.za

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