Pupil helps with roadside birth

PGHS Grade 12 pupil Amanda Mvula has been chosen as the star of the month after assisting a woman give birth at the side of the road.

PINETOWN Girls’ High School is extremely proud of their Grade 12 pupil, Amanda Mvula who helped a desperate woman give birth on the pavement in Pinetown with her old sister.

Amanda said they were on their way home from church when they saw a pregnant woman in severe pain lying on the road.

“We were very shocked and I just passed her and then realised I am being silly. I went back to help her.

“We tried to stop passing cars, but nobody took notice of us. We called an ambulance but realised it will arrive too late.

“Although having no experience and feeling terrified, we had no choice but to calm the mother as she gave birth. It also helped that the mother had clothes for the baby as she was on her way to the clinic.

“Passers by came to assist in cutting the umbilical cord before the ambulance arrived.”

Amanda said it was a traumatic but fascinating experience and they were proud to have been of assistance.

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