Homes found for Giba Gorge kittens

Carla, Missy and Jason, the three kittens that were dumped at Giba Gorge have found loving homes.

THE three kittens that were dumped at the Giba Gorge Mountain Bike Park four weeks ago have finally found loving homes.

Missy, Carla and Jason, as the kittens are fondly known, were dumped at the back end of the park when they were only 10 days old.

Tasha Alledahn, who has been hand rearing the kittens, reported that they were found by Westville residents, Carla and Jason Hall.

“The kittens and their mother were tied in a black rubbish bag with a towel, stuffed into a box and dumped near the quarry. They were only found because the mother cat had chewed a hole through the bag, and when a motor bike drove past the box she got a fright and jumped out of the box. The Halls then spotted her,” said Alledahn.

The Halls called Alledahn, because she had been a volunteer at the SPCA and had extensive experience in hand rearing kittens. “They have been a handful. It has been like raising triplets, but it has been incredibly rewarding and the kittens are thriving. They have begun eating solids,” said Alledahn. Once the kittens have received their final vaccinations they will be able to go to their new homes.

Helga Pearson, a Waterfall resident, will be adopting Carla. “When I heard about the kittens being dumped I knew I had to adopt one. I still can not believe that anyone could actually do something like that,” said Pearson. Another kitten will be adopted by Sathima Khan, a Mobeni Heights resident. “I have been interested in getting a cat since December. When I heard about the kittens I knew I had to give a home to one of these kittens that do not have a home,” said Khan. The third resident could not be reached.

It is believed that their might have been other kittens and that the mother moved them before the Halls found them. “Cats generally have a litter of five to six kittens. We have tried to find the mother, to save her as well, but we have not really been successful,” said Alledahn.

Many residents expressed their anger following Alledahn’s letter published in the Highway Mail on 31 January, regarding the kittens that were dumped.

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