
Local family plagued by robbers

A Cowies Hill family has fallen victim to three house robberies in the past five months.

COWIES Hill mother, Tracy Turner, was left distraught after falling victim to a third break in, while she was at home with her son, on Monday afternoon.

According to Turner she was in the front garden with her son when the robbers gained access to the home.

“There was no way the robbers came in through the front side of the house. my son and I were there, I was taking the washing from the line and my son was playing in the garden. we then saw a troop of monkey come through our yard and watched them for a while,” said Turner.

The duo then re-entered the home and made their way to the dining room to start on her son’s homework. A few minutes later Turner said she heard a loud thud come from upstairs.

“I told my son get outside while I grabbed my handbag and the keys. As I left the house I immediately locked the security gate and pressed the panic button and the alarm sounded,” said Turner.

She made her way to her son and the car and contacted her husband, who was at work in Umgeni Road in Durban at the time. She told her son to get inside the car while she went to press the panic button for a second time.

“My husband arrived home and the security company had still not arrived. My husband and I then went to press the panic button a third time. My security company only arrived about 20 minutes later.”

“When we entered our home again we found that the kitchen cupboards were standing ajar and the husks of strawberries and pieces of marshmallow had been stamped into the floor,” said Turner.

The couple, led by the security officer, made their way upstairs. Turner said the contents of her cupboard were strewn all over her bedroom floor and the men had stolen all of her jewellery.

“What is more disconcerting is that the men had gained access to the house via the balcony door in the main bedroom. They smashed through the lock on the door, which must have locked again once they were inside as they attempted to leave through my son’s bedroom window. They must have given up as using it as an escape route as a pair of my son’s scissors were found in the balcony door, which they used to jimmy the lock open,” said Turner.

The robbers stole clothes, all of the son’s underwear, jewellery, a Playstation 3, two Tablets and two cameras.

“I used to assume it was safe upstairs as there is a security gate in between the two levels. My son is petrified and won’t sleep in his own bedroom. I feel unsafe in my own home,” said Turner.

According to Lt Bongumusa Manqele, spokesman for the Pinetown SAPS, no arrests have been made.

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