Bible lessons made fun

The Christ Church in Pinetown encourages the youth in the community to join them on Fridays for their weekly Kids Club.

THE Christ Church in Pinetown is hosting a Kids Club every Friday at 5.30pm to 7pm at 13 Miller Road, Pinetown.

Youth Pastor Dave Reineke and the youth leaders invite children in the community to join them for fun-filled activities and lessons.

The aim of the kids club is to teach children Christian values and morals through games, Bible lessons and competitions, said Pastor Reineke.

“A new activity that we are encouraging is writing letters. The children write letters to the youth leaders and then the youth leaders write back to the children. It develops good relationships and the children really look forward to receiving their letters, said Pastor Reineke.

Contact Pastor Dave Reineke on 079 616 3656 or 031 702 0815.

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