Hillcrest High School

Hillcrest High School – Where good results!

Hillcrest High School is a co-educational secondary school that has served the local community for almost 50 years. The school offers a wide range of sports, cultural, and academic programmes, nurturing the holistic development of learners, and providing an environment in which all learners can become the best they can be. The growth and development of each learner is prioritised by the school community of highly qualified educational, sports, and cultural specialists and management professionals.

In 2023 a total of 185 candidates wrote the National Senior Certificate examinations, resulting in a cumulative 226 distinctions. The school’s top achiever obtained 8As, five learners attained 7As, two achieved 6As and a further 12 learners took home four of more distinctions. Across the grade 134 learners achieved a Bachelor’s pass, 37 achieved a Diploma pass and seven a Higher Certificate pass.

While learners who excel in academics are extended and encouraged to compete in various programmes such as Olympiads and Expos, those who struggle are supported through extra lessons. Our Learner Support Unit, established in 2006, caters for learners who experience barriers to learning in the mainstream environment, providing the support required to enable each learner to reach their full potential.

Hillcrest High School currently offers more than 45 extramural activities. These range from sporting codes such as rugby, soccer, cricket, swimming, softball, and netball, to academic and cultural pursuits including extension and mentorship through the Honours’ Society, debating, drama, photography, and social media journalism. Learners are also provided with the opportunity to serve both the school community through involvement in activities such as peer tutoring, first aid or as assistants to our media, audio visual or catering departments, and the wider public through fundraising and community service projects.

The school motto – “If it is to be, it is up to me!” fosters a sense of purpose, encouraging ownership and accountability within the Hillcrest High School community and beyond.

For further information about Hillcrest High School, and to download the 2025 Application Forms, please visit our website – www.hhs.co.za.

Hillcrest High School Class of 2023 Top Achievers –Daniel Scheepers (5As), Lerushan Viraragavan (6As), Jodie Eigenmann (7As) Samantha Hunter (7As), Emma Blackbeard (7As), Maia Klijnstra (7As) Natasja Degger (7As), Hannah Murran (5As). Front: Joshua Blom (8As).
Hillcrest High School Class of 2023 Top Achievers –Daniel Scheepers (5As), Lerushan Viraragavan (6As), Jodie Eigenmann (7As) Samantha Hunter (7As), Emma Blackbeard (7As), Maia Klijnstra (7As) Natasja Degger (7As), Hannah Murran (5As). Front: Joshua Blom (8As).
Educators from Hillcrest High School were invited by the Department of Education, Umhlatuzana Circuit Management to attend the KwaSanti Circuit event, celebrating the outstanding pass rates of Grade 12 of 2023 learners in their gateway subjects - IT, Business Studies, Life Sciences, Physical Sciences, Geography, Engineering Graphics and Design and Mathematics. Hillcrest High School was also awarded 2nd place in the Circuit.
Educators from Hillcrest High School were invited by the Department of Education, Umhlatuzana Circuit Management to attend the KwaSanti Circuit event, celebrating the outstanding pass rates of Grade 12 of 2023 learners in their gateway subjects - IT, Business Studies, Life Sciences, Physical Sciences, Geography, Engineering Graphics and Design and Mathematics. Hillcrest High School was also awarded 2nd place in the Circuit.
Hillcrest High School Head Leaders, Philasande Phewa and Antony Smith pictured with teacher in charge of Student Leadership Team, Mrs S Ramsern and Acting Principal, Mrs D Knight.
Hillcrest High School Head Leaders, Philasande Phewa and Antony Smith pictured with teacher in charge of Student Leadership Team, Mrs S Ramsern and Acting Principal, Mrs D Knight.
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