Camelot College

Camelot College – two decade of achievements

Since its founding in 2003, this remedial school has been a beacon of personalised learning. Born from parents’ desire for tailored education, its success led to high school grades being introduced in 2007.
Their triumph lies in individual attention, ensuring each student realises their full potential. The school’s ultimate goal is to equip Matrics for success by securing qualifications that open doors to tertiary education of their choice.
As the school celebrates nearly two decades, their commitment to personalised education remains unwavering, shaping capable, resilient graduates poised to make their mark on the world.

Camelot College provides personalised learning.
Camelot College provides personalised learning.
Students from Camelot College are taught to realise the full potential.
Students from Camelot College are taught to realise the full potential.
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