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Fabulous reads: A historical fiction to fall in love with

Book review - The Last Dress from Paris by Jade Beer

The Last Dress from Paris, Jade Beer, Jonathan Ball Publishers, ISBN: 9781399712217

A ROMANCE novel inspired by several iconic dresses that were designed and made by Dior in the 1950s? Uhm, yes please!

When Lucille is sent to Paris to retrieve a sentimental Dior dress for her beloved grandmother, Sylvie, she unknowingly embarks on a journey that will uncover painful secrets that have haunted her family for decades. As she arrives in Paris, she discovers there is not one but eight dresses – each with coded messages that hint at a secret love affair.

I absolutely loved how the dresses were weaved into a story of family secrets and the revelation of two star-crossed lovers. For me, the author managed to capture the beautiful nostalgia of the city of Paris, the magic of the era as well as the elegance of fashion. However, I did not find her characters as endearing as I had hoped, and the biggest letdown for me was the fizzle of the romance. There was no build-up of intimacy, and it all felt contrived and cheesy.

And while the book does have a slow pace, the hauntingly poignant ending was worth it for me. It left me with all the feels. 3/5 stars – Mariclair Smit

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