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Black Mamba takes shelter in Westville resident’s outside bar

The homeowner was fixing a wire on a shelf in his outdoor bar when the snake appeared.

A WESTVILLE homeowner was almost bitten by a Black Mamba at his home last week.

Snake catcher Nick Evans said the homeowner put his hand behind a bucket on a shelf in his outdoor bar to fix a wire.

“Suddenly, a snake head appeared, and it opened its mouth at him, dangerously close to his hand! The homeowner knew it was a Black Mamba immediately, and fortunately, avoided disaster,” said Evans.

The snake catcher said that although it was a fairly feisty mamba, a female, 1.9m in length, it was not too difficult a catch.

Also read: Snake catcher rescues pregnant Black Mamba

The snake had gained access into the bar through a branch growing against the roof of the bar.

“I couldn’t believe how close the homeowner had come to being bitten. It was, though, yet another good example of how mambas aren’t these vicious, blood-thirsty monsters. If it wanted to bite him, it very easily could have. Instead, it gave him a warning to back off, and that was that.

“A good story to be told at the bar in the future,” said Evans.

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