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Organisation brings hope to communities

The talented Key of Hope choir, which will also be performing at Kearsney's Freedom Day concert, consists of children from various informal settlements around Durban.

THE Key of Hope Choir will be one of the choirs singing at the Freedom Day Youth Music Festival at Fig Tree Farm in Hillcrest hosted by Kearsney College.

The talented choir consists of children from various informal settlements around Durban who are under the Key of Hope non-profit organisation.

The organisation’s work began with one child in one informal settlement and now operates with a staff of 40, working in over a dozen different informal settlements. The staff visit about 2 500 children at home each week.

Also read: Don’t miss Freedom Day music festival

The non-profit organisation was formed in January 2007 by Dan and Rachel Smither.

The Smithers sold their house, cars and furniture in the United States and made a trip to Durban to begin making arrangements for housing, school for their girls, and other essentials.

“One year later, in January 2008, we stepped off a plane onto the runway at Durban International Airport, with 16 suitcases and a clear vision of what God had assigned for us to accomplish,” said Rachel.

She said they go into communities to see what needs or challenges the children face.

“We help out with many things, including school fees, uniforms and extra classes, and applying for birth certificates.”

Rachel mentioned that on each day and each week, there is a different need.

“We also assist with groceries. It is just so sad that people in the US are more aware of the work that we are doing here than the citizens. Our doors are always open; we ask for people to partner, donate and invite us for their events,” she said.

Benji Pillay from the organisation said it is so fulfilling to see that some of the children they started working with are part of the staff, and others have degrees and their dream jobs.

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“Key of Hope has employed people from the communities they work with. Our aim is to empower and equip the communities,” he said.

The choir sing a mix of traditional gospel and to date, have been invited to sing in many venues, such as Disney World, The Palace of Auburn Hills, and the Durban Playhouse. They have also been asked to perform at various influential conferences in Durban, including the International Congress of Pediatric Laboratory Medicine, the Global Leadership Summit, and the Wholehearted Conference.

To reach out to the organisation, email benji@keyofhope.org.


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