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Waterfall couple shares unbreakable bond

Ann and Henk Lok have been married for the past 60 years.

WATERFALL couple Ann and Henk Lok celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on Thursday, April 6. The couple said that although it feels like yesterday, they cannot recall their life without being husband and wife.

“Sixty years with the same man,” says Ann with a laugh.

The couple have embraced their journey together. “Each day, each year brings new events and scenarios.”

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Henk grew up in Holland while Ann was born in South Africa but grew up in Zambia. They met in Lusaka.

Henk says his intention was to move to Australia, but he ended up in Lusaka.

“I had to get a work permit to reside in Lusaka, so I got one and ended up working for Bata Shoes,” he says.

Ann says Lusaka was a small town at the time, and everyone knew everyone.

“I was told by a friend that there was a new guy in town, which had caused quite a stir. I was eager to meet this person that everyone was talking about as I did not have a boyfriend.”

Henk was already working when the two met, and Ann had just finished school.

“My father was very strict, and I had to hide my engagement ring for a year as he told us to only start dating when we finished college,” says Ann with a smile.

“We were wedded at a court in Lusaka in 1963. We did our own catering.”


Ann and Henk Lok on their wedding day.

The decision to move to South Africa was made so they could find a better education for their son who was due to start school.

“In Lusaka at the time, there was only one primary school, and there were very few teachers, and it was overcrowded. When we came down for a holiday to visit my parents, we left him here so that he could start school.


“We led a good and happy life in Lusaka, but I missed my son too much, so I was determined to find a job so that we could move,” said Henk.

Henk’s hobby was racing pigeons which he continued to do after moving to South Africa.

“We initially bought a house in Montclair but later moved to Winston Park where we resided for many years before moving to a smaller place as all of our three children had moved to their own places,” says Ann.

Henk says his wife is his greatest catch, and they share the same interests, hence they have so many beautiful memories and a long-lasting relationship.

“I would not change anything.” He looks at his wife and smiles.

The couple have three children, six grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

Leading a healthy lifestyle

Their same interests have played a huge role in the couple reaching their milestone.

When they started dating, they led a very active and exciting lifestyle, enjoyed water-skiing and being on a boat.

They enjoyed the outdoors, which continues as they walk almost five times a week.

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Ann also did aerobics, and at the age of 47, she started running. “My husband asked me to join him and his friends.”

“But I was also bored of going to her aerobics classes,” says Henk with a grin.

Henk says he is very proud of his wife who broke records in her age group despite taking up the sport so late in her life.

Ann said the highlight of her running career was representing the country in New Zealand, wearing South African colours.

“It is so memorable and exciting. I was awarded two silver medals,” says the proud Ann.

Besides pigeon racing, Henk was also an active member of the Lahee Park Bowling Club before it was shut down last year. He won the KwaZulu-Natal Men’s Fours competition.

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