
Licence renewal issues remain in the spotlight

"We are forced to do this by law and yet the systems and resources are not in place for us to comply."

THANKS for publishing the Camperdown licensing “issues” as one always feels that they are the only ones going through this stress. We are forced to do this by law and yet the systems and resources are not in place for us to comply.

Added to which, my dad at the young age of 88 had to go to Camperdown a few times before he did receive his licence, however in the interim his licence had expired and the police who stopped him waved him by saying they understand but as I said to my dad ‘insurance will not cover you if your licence is not valid’.

I think this critical piece of information is not highlighted enough. In fact if we have applied well in time for our licence renewal, but due to shambles in the licensing department we do not receive it in time, insurance’s should still honour the payment should the worst happen. So we need to take more time off work and pay more money for a temporary licence which will also expire as they are taking so long.

Thanks so much for all you are doing in this regard.

To balance things, I need to compliment the Hillcrest Library. The manager is very friendly and polite and knows quite a few of the pensioners’ names and always greets them. His staff follow suit and they are always happy, kind and professional. What a pleasure to spend time at the Hillcrest Library.

Wendy Scott

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