
Take back your community

If you and your neighbour care for each other, respect each others values, criminality will cease to grow within that community.

COMMUNITIES in South Africa are constantly in a vicious cycle of crime, recurring debt, rising costs of living, brothels operating as Bed and Breakfast establishments in residential areas, protests about service, and the list goes on and on.

Communities are drawn into conflict because our leaders and ward councillors are in turmoil and rather choose to address our challenges as a nation, often turning a blind eye to how Metros manage communities paying rates, and how we can address the injustices of society.

South Africa has to heal its attitude towards itself, because of the moral fabric of society has crumbled.

A drive through most parts of any city will show how urban decay is flourishing.

In our neighbourhoods one will find that social intervention to correct the ills of the past indicates that good neighbourliness is alive and well.

I have witnessed first-hand the coming together of people to help a fellow neighbour in need be it for financial support, spiritual support or financially assist a family struggling to meet its feeding needs.

These warriors are the few who go the extra mile to make a difference to our management of our community.

Pinetown, Kloof and New Germany NHW groups have set a precedence over the past few years embracing the spirit of ubuntu and we encourage all communities to become involved in their neighbourhoods, network with your ward councillors and address social ills with concerted support from your community forums.

Its not difficult and if a neighbourhood wants to become self sufficient we can help you, advice is free.

If you and your neighbour care for each other, respect each others values, criminality will cease to grow within that community.

It will take a massive effort but its not impossible and needs to be driven by ward councillors community leaders and people interested in a united South Africa.

Take action now and take back whats always been your right, a South Africa we deserve and own.


ProAct NHW

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