
Opinions that make no sense

Letter to the Editor - week ending 22 July 2016.

EDITOR – “Sports causes lowered intelligence and protest action should be made illegal.” This statement, without question, is a stupid one, yet Mr Tovey and Mr Surujpal quite clearly see nothing wrong with their views, so here is a simple breakdown

Mr Tovey, a host of intellectuals (Stephen Fry, Nelson Mandela, Obama) are sports fans, and they haven’t been “dumbed down” in the slightest by sport. Sport is a unifier, a builder and a driver of patriotism. It is not a cause for one person, whom we do not even know watches sport, taking a video of escaping prisoners. Plus, I doubt you would be brave enough to confront two convicts.

Mr Surujpal, what you propose is the arrival of fascism. Without violent protest, there would still be an apartheid regime. I understand that the protest has boiled over and yes, it looks bad from a high fenced house on a comfortable couch, but what one must understand is that for 22 years the state has not listened to these people. There comes a time where talking no longer works. Mugabe, Mussolini and Stalin allowed no protest. I think that speaks for itself.

Logical resident


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