
Previous bad credit has made me unemployable

"Every interview I go to, I get told that I'm on ITC and I therefore lose the opportunity to get employed."

EDITOR – It’s with great despair that I write this letter to you. Two years ago, I was retrenched and as a result of that, over time, I was unable to honour all my debts because I didn’t have enough to go around, so I attended to those such as my bond.

In the meantime, my creditors blacklisted me with the ITC, even though I eventually honoured all these debts and I’ve since not been able to find work. This is regardless of the fact that I have 25 years’ experience under my belt as a learning and development consultant and 10 years as an assessor.

Every interview I go to, I get told that I’m on ITC and I therefore lose the opportunity to get employed. What exacerbates the situation is that I’m a single mom and I just want to be able to provide for my child and I cannot, so I’m on the verge of losing everything I’ve worked so hard for in the past.

What kind of system is this that we have in this country, that treats people like criminals if they have a bad credit record, considering that the record was created by circumstance in the first place?

Desperate Mom


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