
Be part of the Facebook online trauma chat

Find help on social media.

MANY people go through different types of unexpected trauma, whether rape, a car accident, domestic violence, hijacking, armed robbery or even witnessing an accident.

A traumatic experience may leave you feeling distressed and may give you powerful and disturbing feelings. If you have been through such an experience, you may need to seek professional help and advice.

Many victims of trauma in South Africa don’t get help because they feel ashamed and choosing to ‘act brave’ is the ‘manly’ thing to do.

They have seen so much violence that they feel ‘numb’, or they refuse to believe what happened. SADAG will be hosting a Facebook Friday chat dedicated to individuals affected or who have loved ones going through a traumatic experience from 1pm to 7pm.

There are two live chats planned for Friday, 13 November at 1pm with psychologist, Mara Zanella, and at 7pm with psychologist, Debbie Howes.

To log in, go to the website – – or go directly to our Facebook page – The South African Depression and Anxiety Group.


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