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Local mountain biker takes dangerous tumble

A local mountain biker was badly injured when he fell down a steep bank in Giba Gorge at the weekend.

LOCAL mountain biker, Craig Wright, had to wait in agony for almost two hours after he took a dangerous tumble at Giba Gorge at the weekend during a training session.

On Saturday, 11 April at about 2pm, Wright was riding his mountain bike along one of Giba Gorge’s trails when the rider in front of him decided to push his bike up a hill instead of riding it.

“It was too late for me to un-cleat, and I was already committed to riding up the hill. Things turned ugly and I went head-first down a drop of about 25 metres. I landed on my head and left shoulder,” he said.

Wright cracked his helmet during the fall, shattered his collar bone and bruised some ribs.

Due to the difficult terrain and location, it took almost one-and-a-half hours for emergency services to get him out the valley and into the ambulance.

“Had two-hour surgery yesterday (Sunday) to repair damage. All good now, just sore. Thanks to all that helped, really appreciate it,” he wrote on his Facebook page.

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