
A sign of change

Either this is a macabre new warning sign to people not obeying the pedestrian crossing near the school... or it is the meticulous artwork of some prankster.

EDITOR – We have lived for 30 years at the same university, 24 years in the same job, 20 years at the same church, 17 years in the same house in Westville – an incredible blessing.

All our friends, family, and familiar places are close by, right where they should be. We know where the best coffee shops are, the best beaches, the shortest routes, or, most importantly, how to get sushi at the best price and be back home on our deck having sundowners in the most amazing spot overlooking the bush below in just 10 minutes.

We’re giving it all up to take our family of five on a year-long adventure of southern Africa. We intend to explore and discover the beauty, wonder and surprises of Africa.

We have a blog that will feature our images and experiences as we learn the joy of exchanging a toilet for a trowel, or a bed for the bush, or five rooms for one car, because after all, this is the adventure.

Yet for those who cannot leave their home town so easily, we can still be surprised by what lies right before us.

Before tackling the daunting task of packing for a year – made even more challenging for daughters who need to figure out how to get all they need into one small case – we decided to do a final bon voyage run around Westville.

Coming past Westville Girls’ High School I did a double-take when I noticed the street sign near the school.

Backing up to take another look I saw the attached sign of an axe-wielding person seemingly holding a head! Either this is a macabre new warning sign to people not obeying the pedestrian crossing near the school – which I understand, as many a time I’ve witnessed the girls leaping out of the way of cars as they cross – or it is the meticulous artwork of some prankster.

I’m assuming the latter, but if so it is so well done it works well to serve the former purpose too.

So, learn to keep your eyes open, there are interesting things and fascinating surprises right on our doorstep, we just miss them because for most of us life is the destination, not the journey. For those interested in following our blog you can do so at www.travelafrica.today.

Craig Blewett


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