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UKZN strike heats up

No end in sight for UKZN strikes.

The student protest at UKZN’s Edgewood and Westville campuses looks set to continue for yet another day.

A major strike is apparently underway at both campuses, with reports on social media of black smoke rising from the Westville campus.

A string of tweets about the strike seems to suggest that the strike continues despite a statement from executive director of  corporate Relations Lesiba Seshoka released yesterday which stated that lectures would resume at all campuses at the university.

Protestors are alleged to be stoning cars and setting bins and couches on fire.


UKZN students protesting against a proposed increase in the university’s registration fees to R9 000 have disrupted lectures at the Westville and Edgewood campuses for the past week.

The unrest seems to be spreading to the university’s other campuses, with protest action reported in the Howard College campus in Glenwood as well as the Pietermaritzburg campus.

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  1. I think the University management is so deaf and stubbon how can they allow protests to take so long. Deploying police and red ants I presume have seen not solving the problem. Negotiations is a solution and remember that 70 percent of students are financially disadvantaged black young ones who deserve better education and they need the university support. I am a masters degree student I fully behind the students

  2. Appealing to the UKZN please stop this madness about increased registration for 2015, remember you are not running a business but offering a service to the country, a country that is developing with half of the people who are poor so do not be ignorant or will have to be arrogant because we will not let you do this to us. our parents are depended on us to change their lives after we qualify (students, parents, communities lets unite and fight this ) donot be against some students can hardly afford 3250 how are they going to afford 6500 or 9000 HELP STOP UKZN FROM EXPLOITING THE disadvantaged poor students who are in no state of affording this reg fee that includes all races in SA including foreign strudents

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