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Fitness queen returns triumphant

Local fitness enthusiast, Gill Holm, recently took top positions in both of her divisions at the Natural Bodybuilding Worlds competition.

GILL Holm, a local bikini fitness athlete, recently competed in the Natural Bodybuilding Worlds competition in San Diego and nabbed first position in one of her divisions.

“My trip to America was an experience that I will remember for the rest of my life,” said Gill.

She said it took two days for her to get where the competition was taking place and for the first two days she suffered from jet lag. “As I was there for a competition I had to be on a very strict diet and trying to find health food was a huge challenge as they don’t really cater for dieting people so I had to just make do with what I could find,” said Gill.

She said the hotel was abuzz with excitement and energy and that she could not believe how many athletes there were from all over the world. “I was totally amazed at how this competition ran so smoothly as there were 50 countries and 1000 athletes. It was such an honour to be representing South Africa at such an event and being on the international stage with the best in the world is a feeling that words cannot explain.”

She competed in two division and took top position in one and nabbed second place for the other. “When I realised that I had won my division, ‘wow’ was all that I could say. I have truly been so blessed this year. I met so many wonderful people from all over the world at this competition and I hope to see them all again next year,” said Gill.

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