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Malvern man’s death remains a mystery: Desmond Roberts’ mum still in the dark

A Malvern mother is bitterly disappointed after receiving a letter from the provincial Director of Public Prosecutions saying there is insufficient evidence to pursue charges against anyone for her son's brutal killing.

MOTHER of slain Queensburgh father, Desmond Roberts, said last week she has been given an update from the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) KZN, that there will be no charges sought in connection with the death of her son who was brutally killed at his rented home in Boundary Road, Escombe in the early hours of New Year’s day 2018.

Anlie MacDonald, and his sister, Bianca Roberts, said they had visited the police and insisted on seeing the police docket detailing the investigation into his death which included the post mortem report.

ALSO READ: Desmond Roberts’ death remains a mystery

At the end of January, speaking a month after the anniversary of Desmond’s death, MacDonald said they had to nag for any details about the investigation.

“We have been given no information and feedback from the investigation. All that we know we have had to beg for and go and nag until we were given a look at the docket after threatening to go to the media,” she said asking why other murders which had taken place later than her son’s seemed to be getting more attention, while she was left with no answers.

Today, more than 18 months since his death, the family are shocked at the claims that there is a lack of evidence since they saw both the post mortem report and crime scene photos.

ALSO READ: Police investigate Malvern father’s brutal murder

MacDonald said the reports state her son suffered multiple deep stab wounds to his chest and his throat was slit to more than halfway through his neck.

MacDonald is struggling with the fact that it seems there is no way of finding out what led up to the death of her 22-year-old son.

Photographs such as these of Desmond Roberts serve as painful reminders to his mother that she still hasn’t any answers to the questions surrounding his brutal death. Photo: Submitted by family

In an angry post in a Facebook group, MacDonald keeps people up-to-date with the investigation into Desmond’s killing. On Wednesday, 12 June she posted: “Just an update on Desmond Roberts murder investigation. The Director of Public Prosecutions Kwa Zulu Natal has informed me that no one can be arrested due to lack of evidence.

“They have requested for an Inquest to be done, to exactly see who never done their jobs properly,” she added.

MacDonald said she feels that even if someone is found to have not done their due diligence on the investigation, she holds little hope that there will be any consequences.

“Once they find that person, nothing will be done to them as this is South Africa,” said MacDonald expressing dismay.

The Queensburgh News has a copy of the emails sent to MacDonald from the office of the DPP KZN, as well as a reply she sent to the advocate insisting that the case not be abandoned and asking that further evidence be considered and other people be brought in for questioning.

Botched investigations?

Roberts said her father had been murdered a few years before at the same time of the year. The investigation into Desmond’s father also never resulted in anyone being found guilty of the killing, and the latest developments given to MacDonald about the investigation into her son’s death seems eerily similar.

For MacDonald, it feels as if her family has been denied justice twice.  MacDonald said she felt the detective assigned to the case hadn’t done his job sufficiently.

“The inspector handling this case handled my husband’s murder case 13 years ago and I feel his incompetence results in the murderers walking free,” said MacDonald.

She said in an earlier interview with the Queensburgh News she believes the answers to what happened are known to people who are not coming forward and the knowledge that whoever killed her son is still at large keeps her awake at night and prevents her from being able to move on with her life.

“I want to take this matter further.”

MacDonald said she plans to reveal extra evidence personally to the DPP KZN. “I told the Investigating officer but he said he cannot do anything about it,” she said.

Meanwhile, Desmond’s ashes remain in the box handed to his mother following his cremation and she said she cannot disperse them until she knows who killed her son and why.

No answers from police

The police remain tight-lipped about the investigation and offering no further comment on the case since the following statement in February: “We cannot divulge any further information regarding this matter at this crucial stage of the investigation,” said Colonel Thembeka Mbele, a spokesperson for the SAPS in KZN.

“The family will be informed of progress with regards to the investigation, however, certain information may not be made public to avoid defeating the object of the investigation,” said Mbele.

Meanwhile, the case has been sent back to the prosecutors according to the latest communication received by Desmond’s mother.

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