
Ndalo awarded for respectful behaviour

Ndalo Ndiki is is Highbury’s SPAR Star of the Month.

NDALO Diko, a Grade 4 learner, is Highbury’s SPAR Star this month.

Ndalo was awarded a Culture of Honour tree badge recently to acknowledge his respectful behaviour at school.

Respect is one of the 14 words in Highbury’s Culture of Honour.

Ndalo’s teacher, Jolene Gouveia, said, Ndalo gives of his best at all times, both in the classroom and on the sports field.

“He is quick to greet, eager to help and mindful of the feelings of others. Highbury’s Culture of Honour is reflected in his respectful, humble and honest nature,” said Gouveia.

Ndalo’s parents, Mr and Mrs Diko, said they have raised Ndalo to view respect and humility as cornerstones of humanity.

“At home, they try to model that behaviour to their children by treating everyone with respect, everywhere they go, regardless of race, age, gender and social standing, and embrace other people’s views and opinions.”

“These values in the Diko home are the same as the Highbury values reinforced at school, and we are all extremely proud to see the wonderful young man that Ndalo is becoming. Congratulations, Ndalo,” said added Gouveia.

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