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Kloof’s Careways celebrates 20 years

Careways is always in need of funds as fees are not sufficient to meet all the workshop costs.

THIS year marks the 20th anniversary of Careways, the workshop for mentally challenged adults which runs every weekday at the Kloof Methodist Church.

The idea for Careways was born out of Pathways, which is a workshop for mentally and physically challenged children that ran daily in the Kloof Methodist Church hall (as it grew it moved first to the Kloof Scout Hall then to their own property in Westville where it is now).

Careways chairman, Peter Crundwel, said the obvious question to ask was, ‘What will happen to these children when they become adults?’ It was in response to this question that the vision for Careways was born,” he said.

Ian Edwards, who was a member at Kloof Methodist Church, had the initial vision to start a daily workshop for mentally challenged adults.

“As a teacher and as a parent with a mentally challenged child he was able to set the programme and modus operandi in those early days. He chaired the board for a number of years. We are really grateful for all that he did,” said Crundwell.

Today, Careways runs an integrated programme under the direction of workshop manager and assistant manager, Tina Smith and Tozama Nodada.

The programme includes academics, pottery and crafts, cooking, baking, sewing, life skills and other activities being added from time to time.

Crundwell said the most recent is learning how to engrave on wood and glass. Music, exercise and dancing are enjoyed at the workshop and a volunteer comes to read a serial story every week and show them a movie now and again.

“There are 22 members in the workshop, 17 attend three days a week and 16 on the other two. The maximum per day is 18,” he said.

One of Careways highlights was a big event which was held last year last. “It was the first ever Careways camp held at Pennington. Another one is planned for this year,” said Crundwell.

At the end of every year, Careways hosts a craft market at Kloof Methodist Church.

“The skills of our members are impressive. Careways has its own stall but crafters and others are invited to hire a table to sell their goods at the market. The church allows us to use two large rooms next to the office for the workshop. This facility is excellent and we are really grateful to them for this generous provision,” said Crundwell,


Careways also runs a computer programme for its members. Seen here are, Tozama Nodada (assistant manager), Tina Smith (manager), Peter Cundwell (chairman), Cathy Bowman and Michelle van Velzen.


Kwandengezi workshop

In addition to the Kloof workshop, Careways manges a workshop every Wednesday morning on the grounds of the Methodist Church in Kwandengezi. This has been running for about 11 years now.

There are 15 members who meet there. The name of that workshop is Siyanakakela (We help each other).

The workshop is organised by a small team of volunteers and a manager. A simplified version of the Kloof programme is used at Siyanakakela. Materials are taken from Kloof to be used there.

“We have recently received a reconditioned container from a container company to replace the old, corroding one. This, together with a prefabricated hut, is the accommodation available.

“It is a challenge to keep the workshop but God provides the right people at the right time,” he said.


Funding and contact

To celebrate their anniversary, Careways will host a dinner and dance fund-raiser at the Kloof Country Club on Saturday, 30 September.

The fees are not sufficient to meet all the costs of Careways so much effort has to be put into raising funds.

If anyone needs information or would like to contribute towards this project, contact the Peter Crundwell on 083 230 0034 or Tina at the Kloof workshop 031 764 2167.

People are also welcome to visit any time during the week to observe what happens at Careways.



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