
Municipality gets two bites at the cherry

They are getting two inflationary increases.

PERHAPS I am stupid or else what I thought I knew about economics is proving not to be true.

eThekwini Municipality has steadily increased our rates by about seven per cent every year for the last four years.

They claim this was for inflation.

Now from July 2017 they apply new municipal rates valuations which are 30 per cent higher that the 2013 figure.

This they claim is for inflation.

So from July our rates go up 30 per cent. Add in the last four years Rand rateage increases, which moved from 0.976 to 1.27 and the total increase is 60 per cent.

Surely a 60 per cent increase cannot be justified?

Are they not having two bites at the cherry?

They are getting two inflationary increases.

Dave Bennett


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