
Help after smash and grab

Gill Scott was attacked by three Wonga addicts while waiting in her car at a robot on Crompton Street last week.

I POPPED to Knowles to get a cooked chicken last Thursday, 12 January at 6.30pm.

As it had been so hot that day I left my window open about six inches as I stopped at the Crompton Street robot.

I thought I was being vigilant as I watched in my side view mirror, ready to wind my window up should anyone approach me.

I was hit so fast by three apparent Whoonga addicts that I did not see them coming from the Post Office area.

They immediately whipped my car keys out turning off my ignition. One had his hands at my throat demanding my cell phone and grabbing at the precious ring on my chain from my late husband. Another grabbed my left hand and tried to forcefully remove my wedding ring.

I was managed to wind the window up as high as possible although the hands were still at my throat. Glancing behind me I saw the road had been kept clear for me and that there was an incline.

I released my hand brake and put the car in neutral , which caused it to begin rolling backwards and I was saved.

To the young detective from Pinetown murder and robbery squad who rushed to assist me was on his way home from gym. He chased after the addicts under the railway bridge – my deepest thanks for your kindness and care towards me.

To the woman who stopped to pray with me and found my precious ring, May God bless you. To the young man who came to help me move my car, your mom raised you so well. Thanks to all from a blessed granny.

Gill Scott


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