
Sidewalks will be installed on GO!Durban routes

The contractor and engineers of this section on Shepstone Road are currently preparing to widen this part of road.

IN response to the Letter to the Editor dated 12 January in the Highway Mail regarding pedestrian walkways in Shepstone Road, Pinetown.

We would like to reassure businesses and residents in the Shepstone Road area that there are definitely plans for pedestrian sidewalks along the GO!Durban routes and of course sidewalks will be installed in the area in question in the near future.

The contractor and engineers of this section are currently preparing to widen this part of road referred to which will involve the construction of retaining walls and other associated hardscape work. Once the widening has been completed, a pedestrian sidewalk will be constructed on both sides of the road, as per the eThekwini Municipality requirements.

We have made a temporary walkway on the Eastern side (cordoned off with steel barriers) to accommodate pedestrians in the interim.

Carlos Esteves

Deputy Head: Road System Management : ETA

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